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A close friend once said to me "Your search to define who you are has become an essential part of who you are". So therefore I will not introduce myself, not being quite sure yet. If you are reading this you are probably close to me and know me well already.



The best thing just happened to me. After having had pizza, wine and good conversation with Jonna and she left, I switched on the TV to see what was on before settling down with a good movie.

Then, on channel 5 they are showing "Unfaithful", my first Olivier Martinez experience when I was 21 years old. I remember I was in the cinema where I was working at the time, it was a day time screening so almost no one but me in there. And I remember being so taken with him, with her, their intensity and the sizzling sex scenes that almost embarrased me (the screen was so large). And man, those scenes are still sizzling.

Olivier Martinez is such a woman's man, even though he's not your type he still gets to you, especially if you've watched "Unfaithful"! Poor Richard Gere. And Diane Lane is so beautiful and fresh, I am wishing to look as fresh as her when I'm her age!

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