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A close friend once said to me "Your search to define who you are has become an essential part of who you are". So therefore I will not introduce myself, not being quite sure yet. If you are reading this you are probably close to me and know me well already.


Christian Bale

When I was a kid I went to the movies with my mother and saw "Mio min Mio" by Astrid Lindgren. I remember liking the kid that played Mio's friend.

Like a week ago I was drooling over Christian Bale (don't remember exactly why I started this time but he's so hot) and I discovered he actually starred in that movie, as Mio's friend of course! How random is that?

Also, for some giggling, read this online article of newly buffed celebrities! They're all funy but Edward Norton is very very funny!

I have now googled and drooled some more over a picture search.

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