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A close friend once said to me "Your search to define who you are has become an essential part of who you are". So therefore I will not introduce myself, not being quite sure yet. If you are reading this you are probably close to me and know me well already.


Music Shuffle Survey

OK people!
I've done this once before and since the music is on shuffle the answers come all weird. Still it's supposed to be fun. This way you also get to see what music I have. Ehm.
As you can guess I should be studying but this is much more fun. Yup.

Here goes:

1. Put your music player on shuffle

2. Press forward for each question

3. Use the song title as the answer to the questions, even if it doesn’t make sense


• How are you feeling today?
Every You Every Me- Placebo

• How do your friends see you?
Walk this Way- Run DMC, Aerosmith

• Will you get married?
Got 2 Let U- The Knife

• What is your best friend’s theme song?
I Just Wanna Love U (Give It To Me)- Jay-Z (hmm, which friend would that be?)

• What is the story of your life?
Take A Bow- Muse

• What was high school like?
Empty Cans- The Streets

• How can you get ahead in life?
Shake The Disease- Depeche Mode

• What is the best thing about your friends?
Miseducation of Lauryn Hill- Lauryn Hill

• What is tonight going to be like?
Good Day To Die- Travis (seriously not kidding on this one..!)

• What is in store for the remainder of this weekend?
Wild Horses- The Rolling Stones (ooh, I wish)

• What song describes you?
Backstreets- Bruce Springsteen

• To describe your grandparents?
Man Next Door- Massive Attack

• How is your life going?
Kingdome Come- Jay-Z

• What song will they play at your funeral?
Numb- U2 (don’t think so, although it’d rock)

• How does the world see you?
Hold Me Thrill Me Kiss Me Kill Me- U2

• Will you have a happy life?
Subterranean Homesick Blues- Bob Dylan

• What do your friends really think of you?
Dom Som Försvann- Kent

• Do people sectretly lust after you?
She’s Alive- André 3000

• How can I make myself happy?
Our Father- Pharrell

• What should you do with your life?
I Get My Beat- Richard Ashcroft

• Will you ever have children?
I’ll Be There For You/You’re All I Need To Get By – Mary J Blige, Method Man


I need to get some new music!! :-)


Is it distracting with the dark background and the light font? Would you like me to swap back?`Personally I think it looks much nicer but then on the other hand I never read my own blog.

Please, let me know. C'mon people, raise your voices.



Well well..

Another week almost at its end. It's really amazing how time flies and yet, I'm not moving forward. Mostly I panic and just shut down my system.

For this weekend my general idea has been "get wasted, and do it thoroughly", and I tried. I had my bestest Jonna at my house, we had an Italian inspired dinner, not to heavy or fatty as we were planning on drinking to forget. Salumi misti, cheese, bread and oil, salad and lots and lots of wine. In the end of the evening I was wasted but Jonna was gone. It's unfair. Although, this morning I was up and about real early while Jonna was down for most of the day.

This week has been mainly studious. Monday I sat almost all day writing and in the evening I saw my lovely ex for a glass of wine. I don't really want to talk much about it, I've been sad and empty for most of this week and he was one of the reasons I wanted to get pissed so badly. I just have to accept that he has moved on, that he's happy with her. Good.

This WiFi-connection I found while studying at a coffee shop, it made me smile

Good news is I am really off to NYC in a months time! I am really thrilled. Not only for the city itself but also because I will see a very dear person, I will get to stay with him and see how he lives and what he does everyday. We have already decided on an opening the very evening when I arrive, otherwise I have a dress to try on (no, nothing serious like that now, it's a cute black A-line dress he got for me) and stores to see, wines to drink, streeets to walk down, a huge park to discover, ice-cream to eat.. I am looking forward to it with all my heart. I also plan on getting myself a little somethin' somethin', considering TaxFree refunds and such. I have my eyes on a cool little summer tote from MJ, it's cute and fun and not overly expensive. My economy says strictly no to any more designer leather totes, unfortunately. My life has definitely gotten duller since I quit Gucci..

My dream bags at the moment, there are two;

The Cabas tote, Chanel

The Mahina XXL, Louis Vuitton

Thursday I went to a fashion show with my friend from the Swedish Fashion Council. We had wine, mediocre goodie bags and food. I also found these beautiful suitcases, made by a small Swedish company. They'd be so stylish to travel with. I'd also like to give one as a gift to my darling in NYC. I think he'd like the green one!

Earlier today I also went to see another fashion show, in Högalidskyrkan in Stockholm, a church. It was intense, beautiful with the catwalk going down the entire midship of the church. Weird contrast but nice. It was a swedish stylist who had worked around the eco-theme and locally produced clothing. My favourite was by far Diana Orving. So inspiring.

Oh, I am also a huge fan of the tv-show The Tudors. Initially I started watching partially because of Jonathan Rhys Meyers but now it's all about mad king Henry's sidekick Charles, aka Henry Cavill. I haven't seen someone like him since.. Well, I guess since never. He is so incredibly intense-looking. Shaved head and I just Googled him to find a photo and also found out he's two years younger than myself. Suddenly I feel a crisis coming on. How can I possibly be older than this wonderman, this man of perfection? Whenever he's on in The Tudors I can't breathe properly. I admit the charachter he's playing attracts me alot, I mean, irl he might just be another stupid and hollow man. But here he's playing a man that falls in love like a madman (i.e. 100% all or nothing), that could carry me up ten flights of stairs and then make love all night. Yea. Nothing wrong with that I say. Hahaha.

Henry Cavill, in The Tudors

Oh, I've also listened myself stupid to "Born in the USA", the album. I never gave it a chance since I'm not a huge fan of the single but this CD is mindblowing. "No Surrender" and "Bobby Jean".. I mean.. It's genious. Andreas made me listen to "Bobby Jean" once and since then I've been hooked. I like the lyrics too, and sometimes I'd like to believe that Andreas thinks of me when he listens to it. Hah. Monday I accidentally started listening to "Darkness On The Edge Of Town" and it also blew me away. Especially when I heard "Something In The Night". I can only imagine how many girl's rooms had Bruce posters on the pink walls and how many broken hearts have ached with this song playing. "Candy's Room" feels kind of The Cure-ish but I like it, and "Racing In The Street" has a piano loop in the beginning that makes me think of a sad scene in an old movie. I think it could be Pretty Woman, but doesn't mention it.

Last but not least, finally I am pleased to announce that my first "outsider-reader" has contacted me, from Paris indeed. I am very happy, it is nice to see that people from all over the world are reading this, although, I might need to cut the private stuff and make it more professional...? At the same time, my interests are not towards fashion blogging, it will not be my main goal for this little space.

What do YOU reckon?
Yes, you, sneaky reader who never leaves me any comments.
Come on!
Let me know if this is all in vain.


Den senaste veckan

I brist på stimulans och energi har jag stängt in mig hemma. Själv. Mina föräldrar är ute på galej hos vänner och jag är hemma med katten Stella. Lite som förra helgen, när jag satt inne lördag kväll med en flaska vin och en massa modetidningar, men nu utan en flaska vin och utan modetidningar.

Den här veckan har varit helt utan anmärkningsvärda events. Ingenting alls har egentligen hänt. Jag har varit rätt likgiltig och uttråkad mest hela tiden, vilket är supertrist för folk som måste umgås med mig. Har druckit lite vin med Gilla en kväll, samt varit hos henne på soppmiddag. Det var trevligt. Hade dessutom splurgeat ordentligt med att köpa tre par skor, eftersom mina gamla stövletter gått av på mitten (jag lovar).

Ett par open-toe pumps som kommer vara underbara till min nya kjol när det blir lite varmare!

Ett par som dessa har jag letat efter, de är sjukt hårda bara och de gör lite ont. Överallt.

Supersköna, helt underbara. Jag älskar dem. Känns lite Westwood eller McQueen!

Oscarsgalan, en annars rätt uppskattad event i mitt annars så glamourlösa liv, passerade helt obemärkt i år. Jag och mamma såg en snutt när vi borstade tänderna, dagen efter det sänts, och såg Audrey Hepburn flimra förbi i nåt cheesy bildmedley. Det slutade med att vi satt och kikade i mina Audrey Hepburn-böcker och suckade över hur vacker hon var. Sedan började mamma rota i sina gamla fotolådor och fick fram ett gammalt foto på henne och pappa. Mormor hade älskat det fotot, hon tyckte att mamma var så Audrey Hepburn-esque just där. Jag fick det och ska rama in det. Det ska sitta på min kommande hallvägg tillsammans med alla andra miljarder foton jag vill rama in när jag får min lägenhet. Se vad fina de är. Aaah.

Annars har jag lidit av lite hjärtesorg, min kära expojkvän verkar mer än lycklig tillsammans med sin nya tjej. Well well. Jag har ingen som helst lust att paja något där, så tänker dra mig tillbaka lugnt och stilla. Vi ska ses imorgon kväll men funderar på att helt enkelt ringa mig sjuk eller så. Vet inte varför vi måste envisas med att vara nära vänner, speciellt inte nu när det känns lite jobbigt.

Den enda roliga nyheten den här veckan är att det blir en tripp till NYC, 3-8 april! Jag ser redan fram mot det och ska efter helgens tristess-matorgier späka mig så det står härliga till. Gymmet känns redan långt bort, får återgå till min kaffe och cigg-diet som funkat så bra innan. Det blir en fattig månad, jag har verkligen fått betala dyrt för att avsluta fucking k*k-Comviq i förtid, plus en helt underbar bokrea som jag inte räknat med. Inte min bokhylla heller, uppenbarligen, för den rasade ner häromkvällen. Jag blev så glad över att jag för några veckor sedan fått en känsla av att bokhyllan ovanför huvudänden av min säng inte skulle palla vikten, och därefter bytt så fotoramar och ljuslyktorna (som ju väger bra mycket mindre) fick byta hylla med böckerna. Tänk vilken tur. Och böckerna klarade sig också bra. Här är nya älsklingarna:

Nu blir det exjobbsförfattande så det står härliga till. Har ingen som helst motivation men det måste ju bli gjort det med. Ska även skicka lite jobbansökningar till Whyred och även till Boomerang, som söker folk. Vad gör Boomerang för kläder egentligen? Trista? Tror det. Argh.

Förresten, vad kul med lite nya läsare! Ska man få prestationsångest nu? Neeh, hoppas inte det. Ska nog däremot ta bort länken på Facebook, nu får det vara nog. Blir lite paranoid, en del känner jag ju inte ens längre!

Avslutar med ett fint foto från Sartorialist. Vill till Paris. Notes to self; Kleinblått är grymt! Köp svart kavajkappa!