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A close friend once said to me "Your search to define who you are has become an essential part of who you are". So therefore I will not introduce myself, not being quite sure yet. If you are reading this you are probably close to me and know me well already.


All I can conclude from my last attempt of meeting someone good, nice, sweet, caring and normal is...
..Never, I mean, never, date an architect.
When things go bad the whole city he's working in is a minefield of emotions. Just seeing one of his buildings, or one that reminds you of one he's done, makes you want to quit it all.

Paranoid perhaps, but today they were taunting me. And I felt silly.

It wasn't worth it. Those initial sweet moments that I wanted could last forever, they only make me feel even more stupid, even more silly and they make me question everything.

And now, when I try to get myself back up again he sweeps right in and shits all over what's left of me.

Mostly, I'm disappointed in myself for being so sweeped off my feet.

This one will take time to bounce back from. But I know that once I do, I'll be stronger than before.