Hey y'all,
I'm sorry for not writing in a while. I'm up to my ears in s**t, plus I'm leaving for NYC tomorrow morning (at break of dawn practically) and I haven't even started packing.
So, for all of you who know me, that's rare since I love to travel.
Will be away for almost a week, which means no updates (i.e. like normal).
Put some clothes on my bed and realized six items are from Minimarket. Haha. Two from Rodebjer, one Carin Wester, one Whyred, one Acne.. And some H&M.
I guess you could say I love Minimarket. Hell, I should get sponsored by them, I'll be walking up and down the Village in SS-08 for a whole week!
Haha. Will remember to talk to them later.
So, no private updates here, I honestly have no time for it. Sorry.
Will tell all when time comes.
In the meantime,
stay well.